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The 25 most-read magazine media in France at the end of 2024

Writer's picture: Eric ALAUZENEric ALAUZEN

Press relations agencies and press agents place a great deal of value on media traffic... Even if audience figures (quantitative) are not the only parameter for recommending this or that media to our customers, qualitative factors (accuracy and value of the target) being just as important in our choices, the fact remains that we remain alert to audience figures.

Discover what are the 25 most-read magazine media in France...

Find out more about the ACPM, the third-party media certifier

In France, the ACPM (Alliance pour les Chiffres de la Presse et des Média), chaired by Gauthier Picquet, and whose Managing Director is Stéphane Bodier, was born in December 2015 from the merger between the well-known OJD (Office de Justification et de la Diffusion) and SAS AudiPresse (press audience measurements), to better meet the needs of the market, which is increasingly demanding these figures.

The 25 most-read magazine media in France
Magazine publications

The ACPM is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901.

Its role is to act as a third-party certifier of media audience measurement and media counting certification. It also investigates print readership, website and app statistics, digital radio streaming, DOOH certification and podcast measurement certification.

In 2023, the ACPM celebrates its 100th anniversary, as the OJD was founded in 1923 and is considered the oldest circulation control organization (when it was founded, the OJD was called OJT - Office de Justification du Tirage), and the first media to be audited was the title Le Réveil du Nord.

In 2001, the OJD cleverly took the digital turn, bringing together publishers, advertisers and agencies in a tripartite organization whose aim was to convey an image of media credibility and transparency to the advertising market.

AudiPresse was created in 2007 as an interprofessional press research company. It was the fruit of the union of the major press families represented by the magazine press (SEPM), the national daily press (SPQN), the regional daily press (SPQR), the free urban daily press (ADPQUG), the free information press (ADPGI) and the regional weekly press (AEPHR).

The 25 most-read magazine media in France
In 1913, members of the Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne (SPP) gathered in the “Hôtel de la Presse”, 6 bis Passage Violet, Paris 15th. Oil painting on canvas by Henri-Marcel Magne (1877-1944).

After managing the 2 benchmark studies AEPM (Mag Press) and EPIQ (Daily Press) until 2011, AudiPresse was the prime contractor for the single benchmark study for the Press: AudiPresse ONE: a study that included all Press families, giving rise to 35,000 interviews.

In 2017, the ACPM is developing the #DemainLaPresse movement, thanks to its ThinkTank in order to highlight the brands, strengths, transformations and innovations of all Press publishers, to the world of communications (agencies and advertisers). The movement, in fact, diversifies by creating events, organizing studies and certifying training.

Last but not least, the ACPM is pursuing its development by going international via the IFABC (International Federation of Audit Bureaus of Certification), which represents audit and certification associations worldwide, and federates those in charge of auditing and certifying media distribution.

Magazine audiences in the second half of 2024

In this first article on French press audiences, we'll take a look at the most recent figures for the 20 most-read magazine publications for the second half of 2024.

Rang                     Titre                                      Fréquence                             Audience Lectorat

1                             Diverto*               Weekly                                    5 000 000

2                             Marmiton             Bimestriel                               4 956 000

3                             Version Femina    Weekly                                   3 470 000

4                             Télé 7 Jours        Weekly                                   3 337 000

5                             Science & Vie                Mensuel                                  3 259 000

6                             L'Equipe Le Magazine     Weekly                                     3 118 000

7                             Cuisine Actuelle               Mensuel                                  3 051 000

8                             National Geographic       Mensuel                                  2 835 000

9                             Geo                             Mensuel                                  2 830 000

10                          Télé Loisirs                    Hebdo                                     2 778 000

11                          Canal + le Mag                 Mensuel                                   2 721 000

12                          Ça m'intéresse                  Mensuel                                  2 433 000

13                          Paris Match                       Hebdo                                     2 265 000

14                          Notre Temps                      Mensuel                                  2 190 000

15                          Femme Actuelle               Hebdo                                     2 080 000

16                          Télé 7 Jeux                  Mensuel                                  2 035 000

17                          Santé Magazine          Mensuel                                  1 899 000

18                          Sciences et Avenir            Mensuel                                  1 886 000

19                          Télé Z                                Hebdo                                     1 877 000

20                          Télérama                        Hebdo                                     1 798 000

21                          Top Santé                        Mensuel                                  1 797 000

22                          Télé 2 Semaines               Bimensuel                               1 721 000

23                          Télé Star         Hebdo                          1 690 000

24                          Auto Plus                      Hebdo                                     1 688 000

25                          Le Point                        Hebdo                                     1 622 000

*Diverto is the new TV Magazine title, inserted as a supplement in 53 regional press titles.

Next article on website audiences.

The 25 most-read magazine media in France
EA Pro Nantes Press Relations


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